L'Ecurie is a building full of history...
The sign show the origin of the building, a boarding school farm settled down in 1896, it will be set on fire during the fights for the retaking of the village of Grand-Halleux during the second world war.
In 1981, M. ZANGRANDI, from Italian origin en cooking lover settled down in "Le Val-de-Salm".
The building he restored is located next to the hill overhanging the valley and is also next to the forest.
From the terrace, you have a marvellous sight of this green region. A huge parking and flowers surround this attractive building into which light enters widely through wide windows.
Cook and waiter, M. ZANGRANDI is most attracted by the second function because he loves contact with people. And his wife works in the kitchen.
For about time, the restaurant can welcome 75 guests. For a banquet more than hundred people can be gathered.
Our cooking
The card is divided between Italian cooking on base of home-made fresh pasta and French "cuisine".
The Italian side is rich and colourful: pizza, lasagne, cannelloni, ravioli, tortellini, tagliatelle,...
Wide range of fishes, veal meat where Italian and French touches are mixed in.
For escorting the meal, M. ZANGRANDI has choses wines from Ombria, Toscane, Venelia and Piemont.

Restaurant L'Ecurie is open van 12.00 tot 15.00 uur en van 18.00 tot 22.00 uur.
Wekelijkse sluiting: maandag, dinsdag, woensdag.
Wekelijkse sluiting juli en augustus: maandag.
Elke feestdag geopend.